Snow Financial Coaching

Empowering employees through 

personal finance workshops and coaching 

Personal Finance 


50 Minute Workshops focused on topics solving your employee's money challenges. Topics include:

How to Build an Emergency Fund

Budgeting Basics

Debt Dangers and Debt Reduction Strategies

Living a Millionaire Mindset

Living Paycheck to Purpose 

Workshop series

Four 50 minute sessions held weekly in a small group discussion format. Topics Include:

Creating a Personal Financial Vision

Six Simple Steps to Financial Freedom

Personal Spending Analysis

Building Wealth

Add-On Financial Coaching

An employee's personal situation can be complex. A workshop can provide basic principles and guidelines, but it can't address individual circumstances and questions of an employee. By providing one-on-one coaching to your employees, you are allowing them to supercharge the information that they learned and apply it to their life. Coaching includes application of money principles, personal goal setting, customized solutions, encouragement and support.

About me:

My name is Rachel Snow. I am a workshop facilitator and financial coach that brings personal finance workshops and one-on-one coaching into the workplace.  By offering this unique solution to the problem of employees who experience chronic money stress, I allow you to empower your employees to take control of their finances. Your business also will benefit as employee turnover is reduced and employee moral and productivity is increased. I believe that when your employees win with money, their lives are happier and your company is more profitable.


"Before coaching I was living in debt with no real grasp on where my money was going each month.  I was barely making ends meet and it made each day stressful. Since working with Rachel I have paid off all credit card debt, my vehicle is paid off and I am working towards paying my student loans off.  I have  learned how to set up a monthly budget and a yearly budget.  Rachel showed me how to set yearly goals that I was comfortable with and that followed my values."  - Sarah, Illinois